Clear the mental clutter, align your time with your values, and organize your life.

Let me guess, you are juggling A LOT right now and could use a new way of managing your time, tasks, and email more effectively.

Calendar Mastery will teach you just that -- plus give you the tools you need to overcome the chaos and focus on the things that matter most!

Tell me about the course…

Calendar Mastery is a productivity crash course in attaining effective time management with a focus on aligning your time with your values. I’ll teach you exactly how to get the most out of your time by eliminating email clutter and crushing your to-do list with less chaos and more focus!

This course is based on a workshop that I have facilitated over 200 times in the last two years for individuals, small groups, and businesses across many different sectors.

The tenets taught can be applied to the stay-at-home parent, working individual, or entrepreneur. If you want to do more in less time and have a better work-life balance, this course is for you!


This 3-part online course is complete with video instructions, downloadable worksheets, journal prompts, and more to help you conquer your time, tasks, and email once and for all! It’s all about achieving effective time management and mastering your calendar! The course is hosted on Teachery and costs $57. Once you purchase the course, you’ll get a unique login to access the content and work through it at your own pace!


  • 6 video lessons walking you through how to strategically sort your to-do list, plan your week and manage your email

  • Easy-to-use templates for analyzing your time and strategically mapping out your schedule

  • Prompts that will help you clarify how you want your time to be spent and determine what’s most important to you

  • Email tips and tricks for automating inbox sorting and optimizing your time responding

  • My favorite apps for organizing your calendar and to-do list

  • 1 year access to the course so you can work through it at your own pace or come back to it at a later time

This Calendar Mastery course is for you if…

  • Your calendar and to-do lists are all over the place and you can’t keep them straight

  • You struggle to keep up with or miss appointments, emails or deadlines

  • You have an overflowing email inbox and need help organizing and streamlining communication

  • You have hours of the day that you feel are wasted or unaccounted for

  • You have goals that feel unattainable or priorities that you aren’t making time for

Ready to unlock your ridiculously productive side?